
美國cc(主要係foothill+ deanza)急!!!


我想係美國讀建築..希望可以讀d 出名ge 大學但係如果直接讀四年出名的U..一來又未必入到..入到都未必讀得來(因為中我學係中文教學.. 英文麻麻..如果直接讀u ge驚太大壓力)..二來屋企支出太大.. 所以諗住讀cc再transfer u..想要d 天氣好ge 地區(要近似hk 的天氣..唔好太熱太凍)所以考慮加州(p.s 有冇d 州ge天氣好ga?)去agent 度佢推介左幾間..1.foothill2.deanza3.santa monica4.dvc我想之後transfer 去d 出名ge 學校好似 ucla..bekeley.. princeton..... 顯示更多 我想係美國讀建築.. 希望可以讀d 出名ge 大學 但係如果直接讀四年出名的U..一來又未必入到..入到都未必讀得來(因為中我學係中文教學.. 英文麻麻..如果直接讀u ge驚太大壓力)..二來屋企支出太大.. 所以諗住讀cc再transfer u.. 想要d 天氣好ge 地區(要近似hk 的天氣..唔好太熱太凍) 所以考慮加州(p.s 有冇d 州ge天氣好ga?) 去agent 度佢推介左幾間.. 1.foothill 2.deanza 3.santa monica 4.dvc 我想之後transfer 去d 出名ge 學校 好似 ucla..bekeley.. princeton.. staforn.. rice..等等.. 1.如果讀以上哥d cc 易唔易transfer去以上的 u ga? 2.聽講bekeley 好難入architecture ..係咪? 3.仲有. . 有咩出名ge u 係讀archi. 又易入ga? 4.如果讀foothill.. or deanza 呢..一間係山度.. 一間係市區? 5.交通方唔方便ga? 6.邊間易transfer 去bekeley? 7.除左toefl之外 .. 仲有咩需要準備ga? 8.收左之後,係咪再要考placement test? 其實係咩點ga? 我睇佢個網話要考esl..math.. 仲有chem..bio. 我唔明係咪全部都要考哂? 仲有10A ..40A 咩黎ga? 9. agent 講homestay ge 質素好差好差.. 其實係唔係ga? 加州治安..安唔安全ga? 以上知少少都可以答我ga..thank you 更新: 其實GPA 學分點計GA?係咪如果我考placement test 考得唔好.. 要讀d 差d level ge maths & eng.. 係咪個學分會少d ga?


1. No school is bad school, only bad students. Any school can get you to anywhere if your academic profile is good enough. 2. Yes. But it is not the most difficult. 3. Non-famous one are easier to get it. No pain no gain. 4. They are the same school (from the same system). So it is up to you if you want either one or both. 5. Make it simple. All 4 colleges you suggested is not easy in public transportation accessibility. That's mean you'd better have a car. 6. None. International students use a even tougher criteria. None of the colleges will help you except you work hard. 7. Nothing for now. 8. Yes unless you meet the exception. Usually you will need to take Math and English (or ESL). Then the rest will depend on your need. For example, if I need to take Chemistry, I will need to take the Chemistry placement test. 10A and 40A is the course number to separate different courses (because they are all in the same subject, but different focus). 9. The experience varies for sure. But I will say agents always say something for their own good (because of the money). 2009-08-25 08:36:42 補充: GPA can be calculated as follow: A=4 B=3 C=2 D=1 Rest(F)=0 You multiply your units for the course with the Grade above. Then you average up. The result will be your GPA, or Grade Point Average. 2009-08-25 08:37:51 補充: For example, I have 2 course - C with 4 units and A for 2 units. The average will be (2*4+4*2)/6=2.67. 2009-08-25 08:39:13 補充: As a matter of fact, lower level classes tends to have more workload. Also, for transfer purpose, non-transferable course (usually lower level) will not be counted with your GPA. So your GPA from community college usually is different from your transfer GPA.





De Anza 在加州 Cupertino 市郊,很難說交通是否方便,但學校附近有 supermarket 和百貨公司。校內治安應該 OK。 讀中文中學不等於讀不成美國大學。諾貝爾獎得主崔崎就是一例。 Foothill 和 De Anza 的成績超好的話(全部 A)可轉 UC Berkerly。但美國好學校多如牛毛,大把學校你揀。只要成績不俗,轉校不難。但我不熟 architect,未能介紹。 一般 placement test 考英文和數學。以數學為例,考得好可選讀 calculus,否則要先讀 algebra。英文也是如此,考不好先讀一科基礎的英文。 junior college 一般只需學校成績、TOEFL及會考成績。中五生亦能報讀。

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