
yahoo 拍賣! 又一單....尼日利亞騙案





我都剛 04-05/02/2011 剛遇上shelton_lynne 在yahoo 既拍賣上問我問題 -"Do you still have this item for sale? ....?pls contact me via my email at maplinstoreinternational@xmaildotcom.pls reply ... english."之後有個 Xohn xohnson" 回覆我 - {{ let me know the total cost of this with the shipping ...... 顯示更多 我都剛 04-05/02/2011 剛遇上shelton_lynne 在yahoo 既拍賣上問我問題 -"Do you still have this item for sale? ....?pls contact me via my email at maplinstoreinternational@xmaildotcom.pls reply ... english." 之後有個 Xohn xohnson" 回覆我 - {{ let me know the total cost of this with the shipping ... via ems speedpost to my client in nigeria and i will pay ... transfer. xxxxx size 90 5's & size 100 5's size 110 5's xxxxx size 100 5's xxxxx size 95 5' size 120 5's. }} 因缺貨問題, 問她/他還要不要, 她/他一次又一次問非所答, 只問我連運費要幾多錢...我決定不做此單生意, 且很大機會是騙案呢!


Oh, 我在今天(16/02/2011)都收到相同的email... shelton_lynne 在 2011-02-16 17:41 向你提問了一條有關你的拍賣品的問題。 問題是︰「Do you still have this item for sale?How many do you have?pls contact me via my email at lola4love2009@gmaildotcom( change the dot in the gmaildotcom to . ) pls reply me only in english」 我覺得可疑, 因為佢唔係bid item度留言, 所以上網搵一搵佢d料, 就見到你呢個post. 我決定唔reply佢email. 之前都有朋友係yahoo拍賣收到類似既email, 就算好禮貌咁reply, 對方都咬住唔放, 得個煩字!!!


有人試過收到對方銀行擔保信,點知最後收唔到匯款。|||||OMG ~!! 是真的嗎 ? 剛剛佢又聯絡左我.... 我仲俾埋a/c no.佢... 有冇事架 ??|||||我今日都收到, 好多謝你提醒, 等我唔使理佢, thanks!!

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