Prove that E=mc2
Prove that E=mc2 Thanks SimonYAU
Einstein published his Theory of Special Relativity in 1905. The equation E=mc2 was published in a short paper later in the year as a supplement to the Special Relativity Theory. This short paper (original version is in German, but English translation is available) titled "Does the inertia of a Body Depends on its Energy Content" in which Einsteun derived this famous mass-energy equation. No derviation is better than referring to the original one in Einstein's paper, which can be read on the following link: http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/E_mc2/www/ There are simplified derivations by other authors, to be understandable by high school physics students, one such derivation is given in the following link: http://www.btinternet.com/~j.doyle/SR/Emc2/Derive.htm