譯歌詞, 譯極都唔對路, 非牟利, 黎玩下啦. thx!
譯歌詞, 譯極都唔對路, 非牟利, 黎玩下啦. thx!如下:. 更新: Woke up on a good day. And the world was wonderful A midnight summer dream had me in its spell…… I dreamt about an old man. Sat and watched the rain all night He couldn't sleep a wink as all the drops fell…… 更新 2: He told me of the beauty. Hidden in our foreheads He told me of the ugliness. We show instead…… And when we put a foot wrong do we learn. From all the pain A midnight summer dream as he watched the rain…… 更新 3: Then at midnight he poured another drink. And bent my ear After midnight we sat up half the night. Or maybe more And he began to tell me what it was all for…… I woke up in an armchair. He had gone I don't know where Left me there to sit and look at the rain…… 更新 4: Don't remember much at all. But his words were echoing A midnight summer dream and then wake again…… Maybe I'll never find him. Maybe he's gone forever. Maybe I'll have to sit here. Watching the weather…… One thing's pretty certain helped me. Make it in the night 更新 5: Showed me somewhere else between wrong and right…… And at midnight if you can't sleep. Then I can bend your ear After midnight we'll sit up half the night. Or maybe more…… And I'll begin to tell you what it is all for…… 更新 6: 唔好意思, 好長. 尤其頭兩行, 尾5行我捉唔到個味道. 如果你譯到全首有詩意, 我再開條簡題, 比40分你. 交流下啦, 謝謝! 更新 7: 出處: stranglers - a midnight summer dream.
首先一句句解,然後去理解下佢想講d咩. Woke up on a good day. And the world was wonderful 在風和日麗的大白天起床,這個世界會很美好 A midnight summer dream had me in its spell…… 一個於夏季午夜的夢把我帶到它的詛咒中......... I dreamt about an old man. Sat and watched the rain all night 我夢見一個老翁整夜坐在椅上看著雨 He couldn't sleep a wink as all the drops fell…… 他一眼也不眨地看著一顆顆滴下的雨點 He told me of the beauty. Hidden in our foreheads 他告訴我人們所隱藏的美麗 He told me of the ugliness. We show instead…… 他又告訴我人們展現醜惡來代替美麗 And when we put a foot wrong do we learn. From all the pain 和我們能否從痛苦中明白過錯 A midnight summer dream as he watched the rain…… 一個有他在看著雨的夏季午夜之夢 Then at midnight he poured another drink. And bent my ear 他為自己又倒了一杯酒,接著俏俏地告訴我一些秘密 After midnight we sat up half the night. Or maybe more 在午夜之後我們又交談了半晚,或者更久 And he began to tell me what it was all for…… 接著他開始告訴我一切關於....................... I woke up in an armchair. He had gone I don't know where 我醒後坐在一張扶椅上而他已不知去向 Left me there to sit and look at the rain…… 棄我在那椅上看著雨...... Don't remember much at all. But his words were echoing 他的話我所記不多,但有一些仍然在回響著 A midnight summer dream and then wake again…… 在這夏季午夜夢之後又蘇醒............. Maybe I'll never find him. Maybe he's gone forever. 也許我永遠再找不到他. 也許他會從始消失 Maybe I'll have to sit here. Watching the weather…… 也許我需要坐在這裏. 看著天氣...... One thing's pretty certain helped me. Make it in the night 有一樣東西可以幫我度過每一夜 Showed me somewhere else between wrong and right…… 它讓我知道為何錯和對........... And at midnight if you can't sleep. Then I can bend your ear 當午夜你不能入眠時,我可以俏俏地告訴你一些秘密 After midnight we'll sit up half the night. Or maybe more…… 在午夜之後我們又交談了半晚,或者更久......... And I'll begin to tell you what it is all for…… 接著我開始告訴你一切關於....................... 我睇左呢首詩幾次,每一次都有唔同既感覺不過最深刻有以下兩個 : (i)係詩裏面所提到既"夢"我覺得係講緊一個不幸的人生. 而佢用(Woke up on a good day. And the world was wonderful )來比喻一個幸運的人生. 個老人係一種無奈而帶抱怨既現象而會隨住生命一起消失. 主人翁代表不幸的人生(詛咒)的持續,會一代一代咁傳落去. (ii)第二個睇法係主人翁所夢見既老人就係佢自己既將來. 而(A midnight summer dream)會係一件不幸或者係不快的事件. 响夢中佢提到(人們所隱藏的美麗)和 (人們展現醜惡來代替美麗)呢兩點來提出對人類既指責. 主人翁最後重復老人既故事呢一點可以睇到佢既內心世界非常混淆,保持住同一個思想階段而走唔出個牛角尖. 呢首詩幾特別,因為每一次睇都有唔同既feel, 可能係睇既時候自己心情有d唔同. 希望可以幫到你........................................