遊學Brighton vs Oxford
我係EF揀左呢2個地方, 揀黎揀去都諗唔到去邊度好, 可唔可以幫我分析下, 唔該!
2個係好唔同style既地方, 其實EF個網都有介紹過, Oxford果度好有中世紀建築風格, 好似身處係歐洲電影入面咁, 而且牛津大學係國際名牌大學, 讀書氣氛好好, 而Brighton陽光與海灘, 係海邊既城市, 海灘同碼頭都好多茶座, 感覺比較休閒, 如果你鍾意探索歷史, 想感受多d讀書氣氛既話就揀Oxford啦, 想休閒渡假feel就Brighton啦
I studied in Brighton Bellerbys College for 3 terms. One of my friend did it in Oxford. One good thing about Brighton is that it's 15 minutes away from the beach! It's a tourist attraction. There's an amusement park above the sea too! Also, my friend ask me why I have a school jersy and he doesnt have. I say maybe only my campus make it.(^^) It's very accessible too. Many buses and the road is not too wide so walking distance is quite ok. My College is right nxt to the train station too so is just a 5 minute walk.(not noisy too) There is also a big Sainsburys Supermarket with coupons. But one thing not good is that within one yr, you can see the whole palce already. Not many places to see(-_-). Unless you are a outdoor person.