要ucas 幾多分先可以apply oxbrige?
我今年係year 12,,,,因為一d原因遲o左離uk,, 所以去o左間只有500名左右o既中學,,,,仲有我係讀小少一個term,,,e家學校俾我o既prediected a2 level marks 係music a/bpsy aecon amaths achi a我仲有japanese o既,, 不過都係c/d ga la,,,ucas point +晒都係得610,,, 唔+ 仲只係得490,,, (當music 係b)我諗我今次as 都係得3a1b,,, 咁有冇機會可以試下apply... 顯示更多 我今年係year 12,,,, 因為一d原因遲o左離uk,, 所以去o左間只有500名左右o既中學,,,, 仲有我係讀小少一個term,,, e家學校俾我o既prediected a2 level marks 係 music a/b psy a econ a maths a chi a 我仲有japanese o既,, 不過都係c/d ga la,,, ucas point +晒都係得610,,, 唔+ 仲只係得490,,, (當music 係b) 我諗我今次as 都係得3a1b,,, 咁有冇機會可以試下apply oxbrige,, 我想讀psy,,,,, 唔知仲有冇咩出名大學可以考慮? 仲有如果用non jupas 返hku/cu o既social science/ psy 又夠唔夠分呢? 又會唔會我因為讀少一個term 俾d 同情分呢,, 我o既personal statement 應該都寫得ok,,,,係o米最主要都係睇interview,, 但係我咁o既分有冇機去試先???因為我係考hkcee,,,, 更新: i mean 唔+ 中文就只有490,,,
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫 =] 1) 我都apply過oxbridge 既, 如果你既AS 係有3/4個A的話, 就可以有interview了... 而呢, 如果你係f.5先過去, 咁好多時你既ce都係會被睇既, 如果係全B以上的話, 有機會既CHANCE都會高好多既 =] 我個fd, 佢會考20分, 都有得in, 所以冇問題的... in 得既話, 好好咁prepare 你個interview咁就可以了, 所以你咁既situation都應該會有的, 不過呢, 因為你個japanese得C, 所以apply ucas 既時候唔好填上去了, 因為咁會大大咁影響左既... 2) 好多時, 大學係唔會計chinese既, 因為佢地都知道你係chinese, 唔計.. 我同我個fd, 一齊apply左warwick, 我就apply science, 佢就apply business & law, 個offer上面寫明左, requirement AAB in any order excluding chinese... 咁所以呢, 係有大學會唔睇的, 保守一d黎講, 唔好當chinese係一個main subject先, 因為好多時學生就係因為咁而冇offer既... 而hk既大學都係唔會睇的.. 而我亦都有apply過southampton呢間大學, 入面講就過require BBB in any subject, 咁既時候, chinese亦都可能會有用, 不過唔好博, 如果真係想入, 你就要好好加油... 3) ucas個分, 只係一個refrence黎既... 唔係話一定要有果一個分先可以apply, 如果你差少少, 都去APPLY的話, 佢都會consider 你的.. 讀psycho, 你可以揀揀st. andrews同york, 我都有fd係果度讀, 個ranking 都幾好架.. st. andrews要AAB, 而york就係ABB, 所以對你黎講應該都OK既=] 4) 而會唔會俾同情分呢, 應該就唔會了, 因為佢地唔知你係讀少左一個term, 而且呢, 每一年都有根多人apply既, 所以呢, 佢地俾既機會會少d... 而番hk呢, 你可以試一試apply, 因為hk有得offer呢一科既大學唔多, 所以個competition 都會好, 而且呢排我都見好多人想apply psycho呢, 所以你都要加油俾心機丫 =] 希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的 =]
Chinese is not count as a subject to them cos your native is Chinese. Well, 3A is the minimum requirement for Oxbridge, Some people holding 4a, but the don't get interview. thus, school ref. is very important to you. I would say it s really depends on luck, would they give you a chance to interview. If you have interview from them, you have 50% to get into Oxbridge. Good uni for phy... you can go to Times student online to search for the ranking. P.S. just in case you don't know. You can just only apply oxford or cambridge. Can't apply two unis 2009-06-16 07:44:50 補充: You need to put Chinese in your UCAS. Most of the university will not give you offer like : A in phy, A in Econ, B in Maths. Some just offering you AAB any of those subjects that you are studying 2009-06-16 07:45:11 補充: I am not the ppl who offering you an interview, so only that group of ppl can tell u yes or no.... Frankly you have 4 a ( not sount chinese.) you still have very good chance to get oxbridge. 2009-06-16 07:48:08 補充: when your prediction in music is written a/b. mean it s more likely to get lower a rather than higher b. but if it put music b/a. that would be more likey to get higher b. ( in case you don't know)