
問PHY 2002 CE MC Q.9 AND Q.11


問PHY 2002 CE MC Q.9 AND Q.11 可唔可以解釋下個答案問黎? 更新: 可唔可以解釋每個答案有咩野岩同錯!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9. The answer is A. The weight of the block is 100 N. And there is a vertical force of 60 N. So, the reaction acting on the block by the ground is = 100 - 60 = 40 N upward So, consider the upward components Net force = 100 - 60 - 40 = 0 So, there is no upward net force. There is a 30 N horizontal force and this is the net force acting on the block. 11. The answer is A (2) only. For 1, this is a question concerning moment. Take moment about one edge of the block. So, there is a net moment Fd Nm. Where d is the width of the block. So, the block will turn clockwisely. (as there is a net clockwise moment). For 2, take moment about the centre of the block. Net moment is zero. So, there is no turning effect of the block and the block will not move. For 3, there is a net horizontal force towards the right. So, the block will move towards right.





9. the the upward force applied is smaller than the weight of block so it could be balanced by the normally reaction of the table. So the resultant VERTICAL force is 0 and the total resultant force is same as the resultant horizontal, 30N. 11. (1) will rotate clockwise, (3) will move toward right hand side. only (2) will remain at rest.

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