Miss Universe Q&A Translation
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1E2jmD_BSA 我需要由6:00-11:15他們的問題和答案的全英文版本打出來, 因為有些聽不到
Q: If you could make a new law, what would it be and explain why. A: I think that any laws that are in constitution or in life are already made. I think that we should have a strict way to go in our similar or...in our life, if you ask this. For example, in Venezuela, and I think that the best way that I can take is the way that I wait for it. So, please do our only law that we can do. Thank you for your guys. Q: As an international ambassador, do you believe that speaking English should be a prerequisite to being Miss Universe? Why or why not? A: For me, being Miss Universe is not just about knowing how to speak a specific language. It's being able to influence and inspire other people. So whatever language you have, as long as your heart is to serve and you have a strong mind, do show (them) to people. Then you can be Miss Universe. Thank you. Q: As someone who will be winning a modeling contract, how would you feel if you were told to lose weight or risk losing an assignment? A: Thank you for that question. I feel really comfortable in the way I feel. And I think that is very important if someone told me that I am overweight, then I would completely ignore it as I'm feeling good within myself and I think that's all it matters. Thank you. Q: What is something you have done that you would never do again? A: Okay... well. First, I would like to start off by saying that every experience, no matter what it is, good or bad, you will learn from it. Umm... that's just life. But something if I ever regret probably will be picking on my sibling's growing up because you appreciate that someone is boy or girls although you get closer to your family. Everybody fights with their siblings, right? So... but I don't regret it. 2013-08-22 18:38:29 補充: Q: Like you, I wear swim suit when I compete. What would you say that people who believe that we win wearing swim suit in the public for emm... reduces them to sexual objects? 2013-08-22 18:38:41 補充: A: I believe that it's not just the way we dress that we show our true self. We can show our character if we are using evening gown or bikini. The important thing is to show everyone the people that we are inside, in our hearts. Thank you.