問CHEM 2006 MC Q.13 AND Q.17
問CHEM 2006 MC Q.13 AND Q.17 可唔可以解釋下個答案問黎?
13. The answer is D. For A, It does not show anything about the reactivities of the metals. Even X forms an ion with a charge of +2, while Y forms an ion with a charge of +1, X can be more reactive than Y. It depends on the species of the elements. For B, This show that X is more reactive than Y. This shows that X is above copper in the reactivity series while Y is below copper. For C, this is a displacement reaction. The more reactive metal will displace the less reactive metal in the solution of the less reactive metal. So, this shows that X is more reactive than Y. For D, oxide of Y cannot be decomposed under heating while X can, this shows that Y is more reactive than X. 17. The answer is A. For A, there is no reaction. For B, acidified potassium permangante solution can be decolourized by ethene. It is because ethene is being oxidzed to ethandiol while potassium permanganate is reduced to Mn2+ solution, which is colourless. For C, chlorine can change litmus solution red since it is acidic. Then the solution can be bleached (decolourized) by chlorine. For D, Some white precipitate will be formed. CO2 (g) + Ca(OH)2 (aq) → CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)