


http://upload.lsforum.net/users/public/i288622015-06-%20003k95.jpg http://upload.lsforum.net/users/public/w313802015-06-%20004w95.jpg 為何在以上句子寫「古代人」為’ancientpeoples’呢?


一個英文字通常有多個解釋 people - 人們, 公民, 人類 (noun - plural) People are men, women and children People is normally used as the plural form of person It takes a plural verb. Many people have lost their homes. people 有另外的解釋 people - 種族, 種族, 部落, 人民 (countable noun, singular) A people is a nation, race, tribe or community. In this case, people is singular, with plural peoples. English-speaking peoples (包括英國人, 美國人, 加拿大, 澳洲人, .新西蘭人,....) British people, American people, Canadian people, Australian people, ....) ... the native peoples of Central America and South America -- the peoples of Africa = 非洲各民族 people ~ singular, plural peoples, the people ~ plural person ~ singular persons ~ plural persons 和 people 有什麼不同? 很細微的不同 The basic difference between persons and people is that persons is usually used when speaking of a number of people that can be counted and people is used when speaking of a large number or uncounted number of individuals. 2015-06-02 02:57:57 補充: correction nation = 民族, 國家


The Free Dictionary: 'peoples' When you are referring to several countries, tribes, or races, you can use the plural form peoples.





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