點解 set 唔到用 mac os x mail 睇 yahoo mail?
唔知喺咪入錯資料,還是跟本雙方唔支援,set極都set唔到!!! 請問以下setting啱唔啱? Account Type: POP (有POP,IMAP,和Exchange選) Account Description: POP Acount Full Name: xxx(自己名) Email Address: xxxxx@yahoo.com.hk Incoming Mail Server: pop.mail.yahoo.com Outgoing Mail Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com Hotmail mail又可唔可以set? Thx a lot!!!!
did u check any firewall setting? and port is right, normally port problem happen in mac machine, always, u need to check it Enter your email address you've gotten from yahoo.com.hk POP Server: pop.mail.yahoo.com Check the radio button for 'POP'. Your Account ID is the first part of your email address with yahoo.com.hk Example: xxxxx@yahoo.com.hk Enter your password. SMTP Server: smtp.mail.yahoo.com 圖片參考:http://www.cowboy.net/support/ppp-setup/macintosh/osxmailsetup/mailxwizard.jpg