故事場景:Mcdonalds 故事人物:兩個 故事所包含的物品:蠟燭 ~~~~ 這故事一定要長於一分半鐘 ~~~~請用英文來創作故事
Yesterday was my birthday. I went to Mcdonalds and had a 'personal' birthday party because nobody likes me. When I lit the candle up, a genie appeared . I was shocked when I saw this secne. ' Thats horrible! ', I said to myself. After a while standing in front of it, it finally spoke to me 'what do you want, my master?' , I moved a bit backwards and replied' may...be....some...friend...sss....?' Suddenly, all of my classmates appeared and sang the birthday song to me, we became friends. I was surprised but not that frightened because I thought the genie was kind. While I am going to thank the genie, it disappears with the glowing light on the candle. I finally understand, it is all becuuse of the magical candle....and my birthday wish. Then, I lit the candle again.... 毛 計 時... 如 有grammer mistakes, 請 多 多 見 諒, 可 照 抄or 加 野 續 寫....up to you