我買左隻cd年幾啦,叫picture of love。 我之前播放冇問題。不過,一開始放隻cd入去,電腦就要我選擇: (1)cd只能在一部電腦播放,這是防止copy的,爲了保障版權,建議你選擇這個 (2)可以在多個電腦播放,不過就呢樣個樣。 我就選擇一,因為覺得,反正都係自己聽啫。又冇多部電腦。 不過問題就黎啦,因為之前電腦中毒,洗左機,隻竟然cd 5認得我,播5到啊。點算啊?放左落電腦,撈左一陣,就當我冇到! 5通又要買多次? (真係好後悔選擇左1 啊,cd有disc one&disc two。!@#%…&*連dics two都播5到) 各位有冇辦法啊?真係欲哭無淚啊...
My comment as follows: 1) Probably your Windows has wrongly labelled your CD as copyright violated and so it cannot be opened. If you reinstall the Windows then this problem can be solved. But I do not suggest it for it is too time consuming and a green person can wrongly eliminate all files inside. That is not worth to take this gamble. 2) Please install an updated anti-virus and scan your whole PC once to remove all virus possibly left. And visit Microsoft website to download all latest XP updated files at once to make sure the machine operates properly. Then re-attempt putting your CD there and check if it works. But this time I cannot guarantee the chance of success. 3) If the problem still cannot be settled, put your CD in other PC to try, say a PC in your friend's home or school to check. I do not believe your CD is infected, for all files are not allowed to amend and thus it has slim chance being infected. See if it could still be opened and run properly. If so, please burn one more CD and then use the new one ( i.e. your copy ) instead. As your CD has some detection problem, even you have chosen A, I think it is still possible you can still read and re-burn in other PC. If so, the problem is solved. 4) If it still happens, then I think you are not worth spending any more time on it. Buy another one instead. The time is also costly, right? If the above procedures do not work, you have given your best and you should have no regret! Hope I can help you. Hope your CD can be listened again!
http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1607062302867 你去搜尋「cd防拷破解」,「破解cd防copy」等字眼,也可參考以上網址,當中提及破解軟件軟件,lame,在軟件王網站可下載。要不拿去電腦店或懂電腦的人修理看看,我也不知行不行.也試試拿去給製片公司反映問題..|||||我都有think過,不過我冇cd機啊... 唉... 不過點都好啦,thank you~ 2011-01-14 23:58:40 補充: 謝謝你們的熱心解答!! thanks for your help !! ^ ^|||||其實放落cd機度得吾得..? 吾一定放落電腦聽既..