05 mc ce maths Q.42.Q43 Q46
05 mc ce maths Q.42.Q43 Q.46 解釋比我聽
Q42 If 4 arithemtic mean are inserted between 12 and 27 ,then sum of the 4 arthemtic mean is T(1)=12 .....等差第一個數係a (首項) T(2)= 12+d .....等差第二個數係a+d (d=公差) T(3)= 12+2d .....等差第三個數係加多個d T(4)= 12+3d ....如此類推... T(5)= 12+4d T(6)= 27 ....公差既第6個數應該係 12+5d ,要搵個公差個數值先搵到果4個數 T(6)= 12 + 5d 12+5d = 27 5d = 15 d = 3 the 4 arithemtic mean are 12 , 15 , 18 , 21 , 24 ,27 sum of the 4 arthemtic mean is 12+15+18+21+24+27 = 117 (= D) Q 43 (AB /CD)^2 = 16/5 ....你記唔記得有條比例公式係 : (l1/l2)^2 = A1/A2 ,直接代入去就得 AB/CD = 開方(16/5) .....條數唔洗搵CD ,所以唔洗理佢 SO,AB = 4cm Q 46 sin^2 1度 +sin^2 3度 +sin^2 5度 +....+sin^2 87度 +sin^2 89度 = (sin^2 1度+cos^2 1度) + (sin^2 3度 + cos ^2 3度) + (sin^2 45度 + cos^2 45度)+.... ......用 sin^2 A +cos^2 A = 1 = 22+0.5 .....sin^2 45 度 + sin^2 45度 係當half 的