- 13歲男仔,剪咩頭髮型,又唔會俾老師捉-
- show hand和21點的一問
- 18歲!!汽車駕照問題--
- 無照駕駛未滿18問題
- 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我想知呢度既英文地址,,幫幫手@1@
- 13歲男仔,剪咩頭髮型,又唔會俾老師捉-
- show hand和21點的一問
- 18歲!!汽車駕照問題--
- 無照駕駛未滿18問題
- 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我想知呢度既英文地址,,幫幫手@1@
9月23號想去美國西雅圖.. 有邊間公司既機票係最平.. 來回.. 10月23/24再番香港 謝謝幫忙
http://res.zuji.com/airloutbound.ctl?promo_page=Y&self_trav=1&pax_cnt=1&chld_pax_cnt=0&dep_dt_dy_1=23&dep_dt_mn_1=Sep&dep_tm_1=12%3a00pm&dep_dt_dy_2=23&dep_dt_mn_2=Oct&dep_tm_2=12%3a00pm&dep_arp_cd(1)=HKG&arr_arp_cd(1)=SEA&dep_arp_cd(2)=SEA&arr_arp_cd(2)=HKG&trip_option=roundtrp&cls_svc=YR&dep_tm_srch_1=deptime&dep_tm_srch_2=deptime&adult_pax_cnt=1&pref_aln=all&module=tripsrch&aln_cd(1)=&aln_cd(2)=&aln_cd(3)=&aln_cd(4)=&bypass_promo=Y&SEQ=118365201964432007062007&LANG=EN&Service=ZUJIHK&SID=T0074000120461757605000819918614475168&last_pgd_page= There are a few airlines you can choose 2007-07-06 00:20:35 補充: If you want the cheapest ticket, you have to spend a long time to transfer ( wait for a long time in the airport to catch another flight , but the cheapest fare is $6443 tax) 2007-07-06 00:25:18 補充: If you are in a hurry, but still want the cheapest one, please choose the 4 choice ( from top to bottom). You just need to wait 2-3 hours in the airport. But that airlines is Korean Air From HKG-Seoul ( KE 604 ) , then Seoul - Seattle ( KE 25) Depart at Sep 23 2007-07-06 00:28:12 補充: From Seatle - Seoul ( KE 26)Seoul -HKG ( KE 607) The airfare is $6985 taxi check all the schedules and this is the cheapest and the fastest to go to Seattle.And in fact $6985- $6443 = $542 You just need to pay 542 can save more time! 2007-07-06 00:29:07 補充: In fact when you book the tickets online, please CHECK THE TIME CAREFULLY, if not, you have to spent a long long time to wait in the airport! And infact Korean air is not that good because this airlines always have accident 2007-07-06 00:29:34 補充: But this is the cheapest, so wish you have a good trip